InBeCon contributes to the Photonic Packaging Workshop organized by the Fraunhofer Institut, September 9 – 10, 2014

The Fraunhofer Institut for Reliability and Microintegration (IZM) organized an international workshop about photonic packaging in collaboration with the European Photonics Industry Consortium (EPIC), the OpTecBB and the PhotonicNet. It was a Forum for experts who focus on effective manufacturing strategies in Europe and automated assembly technologies for optoelectronic and photonic integration on the board, package and device levels. InBeCon GmbH presented together with the company ArgoTech a.s. about „Volume production of single mode micro-optical components with wafer-level assembly“. This production line applies wafer-level technologies from semiconductor production to the volume assembly of opto-electronic components with accuracy of about 1µm.

SensorTest fair in Nuernberg, June 3 – 5, with attendance by InBeCon GmbH

SENSOR+TEST is the leading forum for sensors, measuring and testing technologies worldwide. The trade fair with about 575 exhibitors from 28 nations imposingly presents the entire spectrum of measuring and testing system expertise from sensors to computers. New components are discussed, as well as the latest assembly and manufacturing technologies for new designs. InBeCon GmbH presented together with other partners of the network „Schützen und Veredeln von Oberflächen“. High precision micro-optical components were presented as examples of the various development activities of InBeCon GmbH. Several new contacts were established at the well-attended fair.


The ZIM-Network „Schützen und Veredeln von Oberflächen“ has InBeCon GmbH as a new network partner, April 2014

The various properties of surfaces have a large impact on the assembly and production of optical-electronic and micro-system components as well as on the product characteristics. Therefore InBeCon GmbH is participating actively in the BMBF-funded network „Schützen und Veredeln von Oberflächen“ which is coordinated by Prof. Sigurd Schrader of the department “Photonics, Laser- and Plasmatechnologies” of the University Wildau.

InBeCon is member of OptecBB, November 2012

Jörg-R. Kropp, the general manager of InBeCon GmbH, was actively participated in the OptecBB, the competence network for optical technologies in Berlin and Brandenburg, since the founding of the network in the year 2000. Starting November 2012, InBeCon GmbH is an official corporate member in OptecBB.

Optec-Berlin-Brandenburg (OpTecBB) is a network of companies, universities and scientific institutes that seeks to strengthen the economic power of the Berlin-Brandenburg region through joint activities using the potential of the optical technologies. About 70 companies and 30 universities and research Institutes enable an effective research, development and application through the sharing of information and results of the latest technologies among the partners.

Consulting for research project „All Silicon Micro Fuel Cell“, August 2011

InBeCon is appointed as consultant to the cooperating industry board of the IGF-project “Development of a silicon based Micro-PEM fuel cell with nano-patterned proton conducting channels” (All Silicon Micro Fuell Cell) and will join in the prototyp development until 2014.